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BOXARR unveil new solutions for the Defence Sector

Updated: Feb 19, 2023

Advances in the Defence Sector are no longer limited to large networks of frigates, tanks, fighters and similar machinery. It has now evolved into artificial intelligence and electronic systems that allow for the assessment of factors influencing the performance of tasks and the selection of the best possible techniques to ensure the maximum effectiveness of military strategies.

This is what BOXARR is hoping to achieve with the unveiling of its latest solution, BOXARR 6.0. These tools allow for interdependent-systems management solutions including (but not limited to); large supply chain models, corporate restructuring, and effective functional analysis so that the company plans everything from investment to operational objectives. These solutions also plan production processes so that it is understood how all the factors of the production line interact to get the highest possible effectiveness of the task.

BOXARR 6.0 was unveiled at the DSEI 2019 International Security and Defence Equipment Exhibition in London between 10 and 13 September and Arab Security and Defence conducted an exclusive interview with Robert Smith, Chief Technology Officer at BOXARR, to learn about the company's solutions and future aspirations.

"BOXARR is planning scalable competencies in a new way," Smith said. We design large-scale Box and Arrow models to map hundreds of thousands of entities. This technology allows innovative solutions to problems after data and information analysis and management."

Smith gave an example of the company's solutions with its collaboration with the Australian Defence Force, where BOXARR has addressed the mission's objectives. The model data is The Australian Defence Force's investments in various projects and the results are an assessment of how tasks and operations will be conducted. At the conclusion of the assessment, the Australian Defence Force will provide a study of how best to make better use of optimum defence systems from frigates to helicopters. The study was presented to the House of Representatives, which makes the decision on the best possible defence investment for Australia's defence.

Asked about the new offering from the British company, Smith replied:

"Capacity planning is a technology that exists in the market, but BOXARR allows data to be digitized and analysed in a very sophisticated way."

BOXARR serves the British Ministry of Defence, the Australian Defence Force, the U.S. Navy and a range of companies such as Boeing, Airbus, Safran, Siemens, Babcock and others.

While BOXARR tools can be modified to find new solutions to new problems, the company is heavily developing its artificial intelligence solutions to meet the defence demands of any potential future conflicts.

Author: Agnes Helou | SD Arabia |


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